
Indaux, Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

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The Indaux staff has done a training so than the company can be certified as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).This is a figure regulated in the Customs Code of the European Union. And it ensures that the company is a trustworthy, compliant and reliable agent for customs operations.

This AEO certification will simplify customs procedures and expedite exports, allowing Indaux to reduce delivery times. With the AEO certification shipments acquire greater security and protection. This was one of the requirements that large European distribution firms request from their suppliers and, in addition to training, it will involve reinforcing security and video surveillance at accesses to industrial facilities.

About AEO

The AEO concept is based on the Customs-to-Business partnership introduced by the World Customs Organisation (WCO).

In this way, traders who voluntarily meet a range of criteria work in close cooperation with customs authorities to assure the common objective of supply chain security and are entitled to enjoy benefits throughout the EU.

So, the EU established its AEO concept based on the internationally recognised standards and is a partnership programme between the customs authority and the EO.

This implies that there must always be a relationship between customs and the applicant/AEO. This relationship must be based on the principles of mutual transparency, correctness, fairness and responsibility.

A legal basis for it in 2008 through the security amendments to the Community Customs Code (CCC) (Regulation (EC) 648/2005) and its implementing provisions.

The programme, which aims to enhance international supply chain security and to facilitate legitimate trade, is open to all supply chain actors that are interested in. It covers economic operators authorised for customs simplification (AEOC), security and safety (AEOS) or a combination of the two.

*Other news linked:

Indaux adapts its under oven drawer for the British market

*For further information:

Cocina Integral



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