04.03.2020 Transformad continues to take firm steps to implement production processes compatible with the sustainable development of the environment. The firm is a certified wood company and is committed to renewable and green energy and self-consumption in its new environmental policy.
Emissions savings and energy independence
Transformad has located 300 solar panels in its facilities. Or what it’s the same, 97.5 kWp, with a nominal production of 92 kWn. With them, 30% of the plant’s electricity consumption is covered and this corresponds to an emission savings of 44.32 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to planting 3,409 pines (a pine absorbs about 13 kg of CO2 per year).
Self-consumption contributes to de-carbonization and improvement of air quality, energy consumption from fossil fuels and energy independence.
Green and non-polluting energy
For the remaining 70% of the energy consumed in the facilities, Transformad has chosen, as an electricity supplier, a company with a certificate of guarantee of renewable origin. It is clean energy produced through natural resources, from inexhaustible energy sources, 100% green and renewable and without polluting emissions nor greenhouse gases. Consuming this type of green energy has advantages in favor of sustainability: conservation of natural resources, greater profitability and energy efficiency, easy maintenance, energy independence and environmental protection.
With these actions, the leading HiTech surface company is committed to continue working, day by day, in favor of sustainability, efficient use of resources and the reduction of pollutant emissions.
*Another related news:
–Sustainability, commitment of Transformad
*For further information: www.transformad.com