
The ultra-resistance of Dekton in Del Tongo kitchens

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Cu­sto­mi­zed, re­si­stant and long la­sting: Dek­ton could be per­fec­tly in­clu­ded in­to the Del Ton­go´s kit­chen ma­niacs pro­duc­ts.

The ul­tra-com­pact­ness of Dek­ton ma­te­rial is crea­ted from a mix­tu­re of re­si­stant raw ma­te­rials, al­so used in buil­ding in­du­stry, as quar­tz, glass and ce­ra­mic ma­te­rials, by means of a par­ti­cu­lar pro­ces­sing tech­ni­que. The­se ma­te­rials are pro­ces­sed by the sa­me me­ta­mor­phic mo­di­fi­ca­tion as the na­tu­re does, even thou­gh by a pro­cess hi­ghly tech­no­lo­gi­cal and pre­ci­se, cal­led the TSP me­thod: this tech­ni­que uses ve­ry hi­gh heat of fu­sion and hi­gh pres­su­re to com­pact all ma­te­rials to­ge­ther and re­du­ce weak poin­ts.

Dekton, en las cocina Del Tongo

This tech­ni­que ma­kes Dek­ton a ver­sa­ti­le ma­te­rial adap­ta­ble to any kind of kit­chen, be­cau­se of the con­si­sten­ce of the com­pact sur­fa­ce it needs a mi­ni­mum main­te­nan­ce and it will ha­ve a long du­ra­tion. It is an ex­cel­lent sur­fa­ce con­cer­ning per­for­man­ces: bo­th uni­que ae­sthe­tic and tech­ni­cal pro­per­ties and am­ple sco­pe of usa­ge.

The fea­tu­res of this ma­te­rial are ou­tstan­ding: un­der ex­tre­me proof tests, Dek­ton keeps in­tact. Its per­for­man­ces and pro­per­ties ma­ke it ideal for top sur­fa­ces: it is re­si­stant s to scrat­ches, abra­sions and pos­si­ble shocks in­to the kit­chen. It is re­pel­lent to any kind of flecks, even che­mi­cal re­mo­va­ble wi­th a spon­ge rag and al­so it does not ab­sorb wa­ter. In ad­di­tion, it is ve­ry re­si­stant to tem­pe­ra­tu­re leaps: it does not da­ma­ged by heat of po­ts and pans and so it could be used clo­se to the hob. A Del Ton­go kit­chen, en­ri­ched by this ma­te­rial, gains a uni­que and long la­sting tech­no­lo­gi­cal qua­li­ty.

Dek­ton se­ve­ral tech­ni­cal pro­per­ties and ae­sthe­ti­cal fea­tu­res con­vin­ce us to in­clu­de it bet­ween our kit­chen pro­jec­ts, in­crea­sing so pro­po­sal ideas. Fea­tu­res can ma­ke this pro­duct mo­re cu­sto­mi­zed, that in­clu­de a lar­ge ran­ge of sha­pes and thic­k­ness for tops and sur­fa­ces. Al­so, it does not ma­de by re­sins and or­ga­nic ad­di­ti­ve so it could be used free­ly and sa­fe­ty for any kind of sur­fa­ces in­to the kit­chen. Its ab­so­lu­te inor­ga­nic com­po­si­tion is com­pa­ti­ble to food and al­so other ma­te­rials we use to pro­du­ce our kit­chens.

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