
The incoming new products of Del Tongo for this 2015

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At the Milano Design Week 2015, Del Tongo gained the occasion to introduce most of its work on research and development.

That make the brand totally committed all the last year long, showing several new products. Starting from the new kitchen Gibilterra with its peculiar patented handle, new solution for closets, to several innovations about components and projects solutions, always created with the aim to combine functionality, performance, versatility and design together.

The incoming Del Tongo new products for this 2015

The incoming Del Tongo new products for this 2015 The big new of 2015 is the Gì­bil­ter­ra Col­lec­tion. This kit­chen mo­del is crea­ted by Del Tongo Re­sear­ch and De­ve­lo­p­ment De­part­ment  in col­la­bo­ra­tion wi­th the Ar­chi­tect Egi­dio Pan­ze­ra – it is an ex­clu­si­ve pa­tent of Del Ton­go. Its pe­cu­lia­ri­ty is the ben­ded door on the bor­der of the hand­le that avoid pro­tru­sions. This kind of hand­le is ea­sy to use and keeps the kit­chen ae­sthe­ti­cal clean, it mi­xes to­ge­ther the groo­ve’s li­nea­ri­ty wi­th the hand­le’s func­tio­na­li­ty. The hand­le fi­ni­shing is ma­de on alu­mi­nium, wi­th de­tails by die ca­sting tech­ni­que, it is avai­la­ble in 5 dif­fe­rent co­lours.

Two mo­re news about com­po­si­tion are the wall unit sy­stem, cal­led Loft Sy­stem, and the new free-to-pla­ce small bins, Mix&Mat­ch, sho­wed in com­bi­na­tion wi­th a Cre­ta kit­chen. The Loft Sy­stem is an ori­gi­nal wall unit sy­stem that, mea­su­ring the sa­me dep­th of ba­ses, in­crea­ses the vo­lu­me ca­pa­ci­ty wi­thout up­set­ting the de­si­gn. Wi­th an op­tio­nal sli­ding stair­ca­se, it could be used to add ex­tra wall uni­ts or to re­pla­ce tho­se stan­dard wi­th other pro­ject so­lu­tions, lea­ving free the ver­ti­cal spa­ce, as the pre­sen­ta­tion we sho­wed. Mix&Mat­ch is the small bins sy­stem by Del Ton­go that could be pla­ced free­ly, thanks to their fle­xi­ble struc­tu­re, ea­sy to chan­ge over to po­si­tion wi­thin the kit­chen: they could be fi­xed on the wall uni­ts, on the wall or whe­re­ver you want. Al­so the Mix&Mat­ch is avai­la­ble in fi­ve dif­fe­rent co­lours.

The news car­ry on. In the Push/Pull Mi­la­no kit­chen mo­del, Del Tongo in­tro­du­ced the Frid­ge Ser­vo Dri­ve and the Di­sh­wa­sher Ser­vo Dri­ve that open the ap­plian­ces even when user ha­ve hands bu­sy. They are elec­tro­nic  mo­to­ri­sed sy­stems that al­low the door ope­ning ju­st wi­th a light tou­ch. Wor­king wi­thout hand­le or groo­ve, they keep un­chan­ged the li­nea­ri­ty of the kit­chen. Al­ways for the Mi­la­no mo­del, Del Tongo in­tro­du­ced the in­te­gra­ted tank of the kit­chen sink ma­de on Fe­nix NTM, as the ma­te­rial of the top. So, top and tank be­co­mes an uni­que com­po­nent, it is a func­tio­nal choi­ce wi­th great ae­sthe­ti­cal re­sult. Del Tongo sho­wed the tank wi­th mea­su­res of 70­x30cm, but are avai­la­ble al­so the si­zes of 34×40, 40×40 and 50×40 cm.

Other big news is the clo­se­ts sy­stem cal­led Su­per Sli­ding and Su­per Con­ver­ti­ble. They are cu­sto­mi­sed in­ch by in­ch in leng­th, so we call them “su­per” and they are cu­sto­mi­sed as the well-kno­wn Su­per­pen­si­le. They could be ma­de on va­rious fi­ni­shing for the struc­tu­res and could ha­ve se­ve­ral ac­ces­so­ries in­si­de. The Su­per Sli­ding clo­set has over­lap­ping sli­ding doors and it is avai­la­ble wi­th mo­to­ri­zed ra­dio-con­trol or wi­thout it. Its wid­th is va­ria­ble and the mo­to­ri­sed ver­sion is hand­le-less. The in­ter­nal spa­ce of the Su­per Sli­ding ca­bi­net mea­su­res the sa­me si­ze for bo­th com­part­men­ts.

On the other hand, the Su­per Con­ver­ti­ble has tur­ning in­ward doors, avai­la­ble wi­th one or two doors, hand­le-less ope­ning too. Bo­th the two ca­bi­net sy­stem va­lue the beau­ty of the kit­chen in­clu­ding func­tio­nal pro­per­ties.

(Pho­to Cre­dit: Mee­ty­our­MOOD).

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