
SCM at Ligna 2019 with its Smart&Human Factory

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Accord, Balestrini, celda de anidado, Class, CNC-centros de trabajo, Gabbiani, L’Invincibile, Minimax, Morbidelli, Morbidelli m100 y m200, nesting, Nova, Olimpic, Open House, robots antropomórficos industriales, robots colaborativos (cobots), SCM, sistema IoT Maestro Connect, Smart&Human Factory, software de control Maestro Watch, suite de software Maestro, Superfici, Superset

SCM, the world leader in the field of secondary woodworking technologies, is gearing up for the next edition of Ligna (Hannover, 27-31 May 2019), having achieved a double-digit growth rate in the last two years which propelled the group over the 700 million turnover target at the end of 2018, with a technological range of products increasingly in line with Industry 4.0 requirements.

25.04.2019 After launching its Lean Cell 4.0 for highly automated industrial production two years ago, from this same Hannover event, Ligna, SCM now goes further with its breakthrough concept of Smart Manufacturing. From its over 4,000 square metres’ booth in Hall 13, the Italian woodworking giant will present its Smart&Human Factory: a cutting-edge production model based on digital and automation systems and allowing for advanced man-machine interaction and 360-degree control over the entire production flow. A model based on highly innovative, flexible, modular and easily reconfigurable systems, designed to respond in an increasingly effective and fast way to the challenges of mass customisation. A new smart and human factory – also making progress in terms of work flow: thanks to the integration of robotics, low-added value and repetitive human tasks are now minimised.

Accord, Balestrini, celda de anidado, Class, CNC-centros de trabajo, Gabbiani, L’Invincibile, Minimax, Morbidelli, Morbidelli m100 y m200, nesting, Nova, Olimpic, Open House, robots antropomórficos industriales, robots colaborativos (cobots), SCM, sistema IoT Maestro Connect, Smart&Human Factory, software de control Maestro Watch, suite de software Maestro, Superfici, Superset

Smart&Human Factory

Ligna 2019 will be one of the key international events for SCM – traditionally a historic and reliable partner for the entire woodworking industry, explains the SCM Division Director, Luigi De Vito. We will showcase top-level technological innovation, designed to support more and more companies in their business and help them meet new Industry 4.0 requirements. The current, new production trends, which will be the focus of the next edition of Ligna, are expected to widen the gap between more and less intensively automated companies. By offering a new model of interaction between machines and industrial and collaborative robotics, ground-level logistic handling and software, SCM will have as its mission to help partner companies work toward achievable, successful and smart goals.

You will never work alone

The claim You will never work alone effectively summarises the goal of the new SCM product range: to supply a user-friendly wood panel processing automation system, with the option to reconfigure the production process whenever this is necessary, to quickly process increasingly smaller order to production batches.

After previewing a working application of its Smart&Human Factory at the Open House 2019 event on 31 January 31 through to 2 February, which drew crowds to the company’s Technology Center of Rimini (Italy), SCM will showcase an even richer version at the next Ligna. An automated system for all the phases of furniture production will be presented: from furniture designing to the generation of machine programs and from panel processing to cabinet assembling.

The process aims at optimising as much as possible panel cutting, edgebanding and drilling operations, so as to reduce waste, rejects and retooling requirements during product changeovers, to then reassemble orders back together at the end of the process and delaying customisation until this stage.

With this system, low-added value and repetitive human tasks are minimised, thanks to the use of KUKA industrial anthropomorphic robots, assisted by collaborative Universal Robots in the final process stages (assembly, hardware insertion, glue dispensing and surface finishing) and ensuring totally safe conditions without the use of enclosures. Finally, process logistics are made flexible thanks to the use of MiR intelligent autonomous self-driving shuttles. The entire process will be managed and supervised by the Maestro Watch supervision software – monitoring the state of each of the products being machined throughout the process, and by the IoT Maestro Connect system – which collects and analyses SCM technology data, ensuring on the one hand full control over the production flow and, on the other, the implementation of smart predictive maintenance models.

* For further information:

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