
New markets on view at SICAM 2012

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Taking stock after the fourth edition, SICAM goes from strength to strength, with many requests already in for 2013.


The fourth edition of SICAM at Pordenone concluded with great confirmation on all fronts. Confirmation of visitor numbers, exceeding seventeen thousand once more this year; confirmation of exhibitors, numbering 540; and, finally, confirmation of the trade fair’s global reach – a key element as ever – with over 17.000 operators coming to Pordenone from 94 different countries all over the world. Moreover, while the event was still going on and during the following weeks, many registrations have already arrived for 2013, both from the 2012 exhibitors and companies who will be attending SICAM for the first time.

Sicam 2012

The recession continues to bite more or less everywhere
, were Carlo Giobbi’s words in closing the October event, but the figures we have reached and, above all, the feedback received from various exhibitors enable us to give this fourth edition the thumbs up. As always, everyone made plenty of business contacts at the trade fair, especially top quality contacts. I believe this outcome must be duly stressed.

An initial assessment of the visitors recorded shows how decision-makers always show their faces at SICAM. More than 30% of the total visitors came from abroad, a steep rise in percentage with respect to previous editions, with the significant presence of numerous operators from the Russian furniture industry this year.

That’s right, Giobbi confirmed. There were large numbers of Russians this year, and they were very active. Many exhibitors had very positive things to say about them. In fact, we have been working on the Russian market for some time now. And the signal we have received this year has proven that our efforts are finally bearing the fruit we had hoped for. In 2011, Italy was the leading supplier of furniture in Russia and, therefore, I believe that events like SICAM that provide opportunities to meet face to face are vital for boosting and developing even further business relations with that country.

The entire Italian furniture industry is working well in Russia. In the first three months of 2012 almost all segments recorded an improvement, including kitchens (24.3%), upholstered furnishings (18%), furnishing accessories (17.4%), and bathroom furnishings (+12.4%). These results highlight how this market represents a life line for many enterprises in this period.

Promising markets
SICAM’s distinctive marketing scheme includes expanding onto promising markets. It has been the event’s modus operandi since the very beginning. This year it was evident also from the consistent presence at the trade fair of companies from Turkey. The furniture industry in that country is a growing market and Turkey lies at the centre of an area that promises very interesting developments over the coming years. It is also intriguing to consider the breakdown of foreign visitors to SICAM 2012 by geographical region. While, on the one hand, the European markets counted for over 70% of the total (with Germany and Russia leading the pack, followed at some distance by France and Spain), there was growing interest from Asian markets, making up 22% of foreign visitors.

In this context of strong expansion towards international markets, SICAM confirmed itself once more as an essential event also for the Italian furniture market, which, despite the clear hardships experienced in recent years, continues to maintain a position that certifies its global leadership. Approximately 70% of visiting operators were Italian. The home furnishing products – which represent one of the "4 A" of Italian manufacturing excellence – are still among our country’s most exported goods. In addition, Italy has a top three placing on the international podium of countries exporting all products making up the furniture industry.

It is still vital for the Italian furniture industry, claimed Carlo Giobbi, to be able to hold an annual trade fair in the country that can be used as a vehicle for the innovation and design that our enterprises offer. These are the assets that give them the competitive edge on the global markets. Only a shop window with a strong international factor can ensure the required visibility and resulting business relations. This shop window is called SICAM, and, now more than ever, it is at the disposal of “made in Italy” to steer it from Italy into the world at the level it is due.

Furthermore, the results of a survey of ours clearly showed that a significant majority of exhibitors would prefer to modify the days of the trade fair. So the event will no longer be held from Wednesday to Saturday as SICAM has always been presented to the world of the furniture industry in the past. Participants have now indicated that Tuesday to Friday would be the most suitable days for them to meet their operating needs. Therefore, the Organiser has announced new dates for the 2013 edition of SICAM to be held at Pordenone. The start date will be Tuesday 15th October and Friday 18th October will be the closing day.

* For further information:

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