R1 is a minimal, geometric kitchen, characterized by a strong expression of the materials.
11.07.2019 The architect Ulisse Narcisi, thinking of the kitchen as a poliedric house center, open, social space, full of life and relations, has developed R1, by Rastelli, as a real system: a range of linear and rigorous volumes, so wide to conceive a customized kitchen projecting, always different according to one’s tastes and needs.
In order to create harmony and continuity with the living area, and to propose gathering solutions, the wide range of R1 elements has been enrichened with new shelves systems, equipped back panels and open modules.
Wall units and columns create an elegant and spectacular containing solution: a light frame in aluminum gently wraps the glass doors, playing games of full and empty, perfect for livings. The modular shelf system Watch, also in aluminum, lets you part the open spaces, interpreting the environment in a very original and personal way.
Galileo Wall system
The enhance the functionality, R1 system foresees accessories ready to answer all demands: from the Galileo Wall system – an aluminum frame perfect for cups and jars storage, built in the space between wall units or built in the wall – to the pull out trays, or equipped channels and parting trays for drawers. Again columns with coplanar sliding doors hide equipment pull out table and appliances.
The precious materials give value to the compositions with a refined design. It is possible, in fact, to choose among several finishes: woods laminates, hardwood such as fossil oak, to the most innovative liquid metal. Besides, since Rastelli is a brand that pays attention to the environment safeguard, all wooden panels are in compliance with the standard UA EPA TSCA Title VI, with the lowest emission of formaldehyde, and derived from reused wooden material. This to demonstrate that it is possible to create a beautiful, personal but ecologic kitchen.
*For further information: www.rastellicucine.it