From September 22 to 26 MOW 2012, the Bad Salzuflen furniture site, was again be the meeting point for the German and European professional furniture buyers.
M.O.W. 2012, at the Bad Salzuflen furniture site: 392 exhibitors from 29 nations that have enhanced the furniture demand 2012/2013 with actual, sales-boosting goods.
An European Market, in which 392 exhibitors from 29 nations have participated and which was visited by the most important buyers of a sales channels, will enhance furniture demand despite the euro crisis and low economic growth in the different countries.
The domestic market in Germany shows a positive trend: thanks to the German consumers’ buying delight the domestic furniture industry grew in the first six months of 2012 by 4.5 percent to 8.5 billion euro according to a VDM statement.
Apart from the furniture sales figure increase in Germany, exports could be expanded to Switzerland, Austria and Great Britain. According to HDH China, Russia and Slovakia are further growth markets. The economy of other parts of Europe is weakening.
38 percent internationality
Therefore it was not surprising that – beside 243 domestic exhibitors – an increasing number of suppliers from European neighboring countries and other foreign countries have pushed on the German furniture market: 34 exhibitors come from Poland, 18 from Denmark, 15 from Italy, 13 from the Netherlands, eight from Portugal, seven from France and Lithuania, six each from Serbia and China and five companies from Estonia.
Hongkong, Latvia, Spain, and Turkey sent three exhibitors each. Two companies each arrived from Bosnia, Bulgaria, Austria, and the Czech Republic. One exhibitor each came from Belgium, India, Ireland, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Hungary, Singapore, Switzerland, and the USA. All of them have sales-boosting goods in their ‘fair luggage’ that stimulated furniture economy in the second semester 2012 and that should reach – beside the enthusiastic German and Austrian end-users – also the central European consumers. Thanks to German and Austrian furniture dealers’ expansion – above all to Eastern Europe – the M.O.W. attracts more and more interested parties.
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