Italian stone industry continues to grow on markets. The first half of 2017 saw exports increase: rough blocks, semi-finished and finished materials totalled a value of 969 million euros (+3.3%); machinery and technology also performed well, posting 640 million euros (+26.3%).
21.09.2017 More than 1,650 exhibiting companies (64% international from 56 countries), with four more countries than in 2016; all exhibition space was already sold-out five months prior to the opening of the show, for a total area of more 80 thousand square meters. These are facts and figures for the 52nd edition of Marmomac as it makes ready to welcome 67,000 specialist operators and buyers expected from more than 145 countries.
Veronafiere 27-30 September 2017 welcomes back of the most important international exhibition dedicated to natural stone, from semi-finished and finished products to machinery, technology and processing accessories – not to mention the latest applications in architecture and design.
Marmomac accompanies and reflects evolution in a sector that has always seen Italy among the leaders in world trade: Italy takes top spot in terms of global technology market share (25%) and fifth place for processed natural stone (10%). The Italian stone industry boasts more than 3,200 companies and 33,800 employees, according to Confindustria Marmomacchine data, and in 2016 posted production worth 3.9 billion euros, 74% of which for exports. And exports continued to grow in the first half of 2017, with sales of rough blocks, semi-finished and finished materials abroad totalling more than 969 million euros (+3.3%). This was also a positive result for Italian machinery that in the period January-June posted sales worth 640 million euros (+26.3%). Against this background, a central role is played by the Verona natural stone district which, with 100 local companies exhibiting at Marmomac, once again confirmed in the first six months of the year its status as the landmark Italian province for processing marble and granite, supplying 28% of Italian exports.
The 52nd edition of Marmomac was presented at VeronaFiere by Maurizio Danese, President of Veronafiere, Claudio Valente, vice-president of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, CEO & Director General of Veronafiere, Elena Amadini, vice-director of sales at Veronafiere, and Raffaello Galiotto, the curator of exhibitions in Hall 1, together with architect Vincenzo Pavan. Marmomac’s success especially lies in its ability to combine business with culture for a product that has traditions going back thousands of years in Italy but nonetheless now looks to the future. This concept at Marmomac 2017 finds expression in The Italian Stone Theatre: a 3,500 square-metre hall set up in collaboration with the Ministry for Economic Development, ICE-Italian Trade Agency and Confindustria Marmomacchine, will host three exhibitions – Territory & Design, Virtuous Machines and Soul of City – narrating the interaction between natural stone, processing technology, experimentation and design through cutting-edge projects by famous architects and designers. ‘The Italian Stone Theatre’ once again this year provides space for wine & food excellent interpreted by the chefs of the Rosso Verona’ Ristorante d’Autore. Marmomac focuses on internationality as one of its strengths – as evidenced by results in 2016 with 60% of 67,000 visitors arriving from more than 145 countries.
Action to promote incoming operators from abroad sees Marmomac continue its cooperation with ICE and Confindustria Marmomacchine within the scope of activities involved in the Special Made in Italy Promotion Plan set in motion by Ministry for Economic Development. Verona is set to welcome 350 top buyers from 58 countries selected among importers and distributors of stone products, machinery and processing, construction companies, contractors for large private and government projects, quarry and plant owners. These official trade delegations, during Marmomac, also take part in visits to local businesses and b2b meetings targeted on Africa, the Middle East and the Far East.
Together with the Veneto Region, this year Marmomac is also organising a focus meeting to present excellence in the local stone industry. The ‘Natural stone excellence in the Veneto Region: From tradition to innovation’ initiative envisages two b2b meetings between companies based in the Veneto and operators from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Singapore and the United States.
The third edition of the International Stone Summit also finds space: the World Conference dedicated to natural stone attended by the leading international associations in the marble sector. Training courses organised by the Marmomac Academy by now go back ten years, whereby Veronafiere collaborates with prestigious institutions and universities on an international scale. This edition of Marmomac will focus even more attention on architects thanks to the wide-ranging programme of seminars, conferences and lectures that are also valid for professional training credits.
Innovations in 2017 also include collaboration with the Milan Design Film Festival that will give life during Marmomac to the ‘Stories of Stone. From matter to project. Seven movies for seven tales project – short films by international directors dedicated to the world of marble and natural stone. Following its debut in 2016, the Icon Award will be made again to identify one of the works exhibited within The Italian Stone Theatre that will become the image of the Marmomac 2018 communications campaign.
Marmomac & the City will take the stage for the sixth year running, bringing twelve works and installations in natural stone – from 26 September to 30 October – to the streets and courtyards of the historic centre of Verona, thereby ensuring further promotion of company projects exhibited during the last edition of The Italian Stone Theatre. Lastly, the Best Communicator Award returns with its 11th edition: this Marmomac Award promotes attention and originality dedicated to exhibit design by exhibiting companies.
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