
Italian wood technology: the positive trend endures in the third quarter

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This seems to be suggested by the figures of the industry survey carried out by Acimall´s Studies Office in the third quarter 2015,

In the July-September period, Italian woodworking technology recorded another growth of orders, with an optimistic business climate for the third consecutive quarter.The survey reported a 7.2 percent increase in orders compared to the same period of 2014 (the previous quarter had scored 5.3 percent higher than the April-June period of last year). A 6.9 percent increase (also compared to the same period of last year) was achieved by orders from abroad, while the Italian market grew by 12.5 percent, versus 11.9 percent decrease in the previous quarter. Unlike the recent period, we can hardly conceal our satisfaction for this double-digit growth on the domestic market, which might bring even more significant developments for industry companies as a result of the "super-mortgages" introduced by the Italian financial act and the benefits they should bring in early 2016.

Población activa madera y mueble

This trend is more than positive and share by all mechanical industry sectors, which closed the third quarter 2015 with sustained growth rates.The book of orders is around 2.9 months for the statistic sample (2.8 in the previous quarter); price increase since the beginning of the year amounts to 0.6 percent.

Quality survey
In the quality survey for the period under scrutiny, 32 percent of respondents indicated positive production trend (versus 57 percent three months ago), while 52 percent expect a phase of stability and 16 percent a decrease. The outlook for employment is stable (no variations for 63 percent, increasing for 21 percent, decreasing for 16 percent). Available stocks are increasing according to 11 percent of interviewees, stable according to 68 and decreasing for the remaining 21 percent.

Forecast survey
According to 32 percent of the Acimall sample, in the next quarter orders from abroad will increase further, while 63 expact a stable trend and 5 percent a decrease (balance +27). On the domestic market, 16 percent have negative forecasts and 68 percent stable, while 16 percent of interviewed companies are more optimistic and see expansion (balance 0);.

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