Interzum 2021 will have an even more extensive digital offering. As Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management at Koelnmesse, explained: We know that many companies are in favour of a purely digital event because of the uncertainty surrounding the development of the pandemic right now. That’s why we’ve decided on a concept with participation options that offer the greatest possible degree of flexibility, with a clear focus on the digital presence and therefore on interzum@home.
interzum@home and two new participation options
Even though a presence on interzum@home is already included with a classic, physical presence at the trade fair for all exhibitors; in the face of the current challenges we’re acting on a request voiced by many of our exhibitors: we’re now also offering every company the option of purely digital participation on our new interzum@home platform, explains interzum director Maik Fischer. Various digital-only packages will be available for the purpose, allowing companies to participate solely in the form of a digital presence on interzum@home 2021 – a presence that’s a perfect fit with their needs.
In addition, there is another new alternative for participation that serves as a kind of intermediary between the two possibilities outlined above: the option of taking part in the interzum@home hall. Here, Koelnmesse will provide interested exhibitors with a physical trade fair presence. This includes the construction of an attractive booth in three different sizes. This model can be used as a springboard and connecting element between the trade fair in Cologne and the exhibitor’s interzum@home presence.
With this additional exhibition format, we’re offering companies the right framework for a safe and upmarket presentation in a compact space. This allows exhibitors to benefit from a top-class setting at the physical interzum 2021 in Cologne; while simultaneously making use of the opportunities presented by the new digital platform interzum@home. That way, exhibitors get the best of both worlds, so to speak, says Fischer of the new optional form of participation.
Increased overall reach
The goal of the new digital trade fair platform interzum@home is to use the new digital channel to increase overall reach. So, the components of this platform provide various possibilities for interaction, including digital showrooms, stages, workshops and cafés.
Even in the face of the corona pandemic, this ensures interzum will reach a global audience that goes beyond the protagonists at the venue. Broadly speaking, the main emphasis of interzum@home is on knowledge and content, the experience and socialising, like at the event in Cologne – but obviously always with fluid crossovers and connections. Besides, networking is the connecting link between offline and online.
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