Last weekend, Cocina Integral was invited to the international press conference about the next Saloni, that this year will celebrates a special Eurocucina, with kitchen utensils and accessories.
Eurocucina will be back at the Milan Fairgrounds Rho under the Saloni umbrella, from 17from to 22nd April, along with the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Bathroom Exhibition, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition and SaloneSatellite.
130 participants (to date) will be showcasing their wares over 27.000 square metres of exhibition space, among them the leading Italian and foreign sectorial players, with the foremost German companies in the vanguard, at pavilions 9-11 and 13-15.
From this year, for the very first time, EuroCucina will also include all those items that make the rituals of cuisine and convithe rituals of cuisine and convithe rituals of cuisine and convithe rituals of cuisine and conviviality easier and more specialviality easier and more specialviality easier and more specialviality easier and more special: from table decorations to cooking utensils.
In line with the other events under the Saloni umbrella, which pride themselves first and foremost on novelty and innovation, FTK Technology For the Kitchen), the collateral event geared above all else to research through cutting edge designs in the field of built-in domestic appliances and cooker hoodsand cooker hoodsand cooker hoodsand cooker hoods, will be held in total synergy with EuroCucina.
* For Further Information: