
Espacio Cocina-SICI, successfully presented in Milan

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Cosentino City de Milán Espacio Cocina-SICI EuroCucina AMC (Asociación de Mobiliario de Cocina) Global Kitchen: la cocina doméstica en la era de la globalización Instituto Silestone y Cosentino Salón del Mueble Equipamiento y Tecnología para la Cocina Feria Valencia Cevisama

With the assistance of international media and top-level firms, the Cosentino City of Milan, within the framework of EuroCucina, hosted the presentation of Espacio Cocina-SICI, with the aim of promoting quality, innovation and the design of the furniture and kitchen accessories Made in Spain.

10.05.2018 Nearly a hundred professionals related to the world of cooking and habitat equipment attended the 19th April the international presentation of Espacio Cocina-SICI, the only specialized trade fair in this segment that takes place in Spain and the main business platform and internationalization of the sector.

Cosentino City de Milán Espacio Cocina-SICI EuroCucina AMC (Asociación de Mobiliario de Cocina) Global Kitchen: la cocina doméstica en la era de la globalización Instituto Silestone y Cosentino Salón del Mueble Equipamiento y Tecnología para la Cocina Feria Valencia Cevisama

The event was held with great success in the new Cosentino City in Milan, located right in the center of the Lombard capital, where the main Spanish and international companies of the sector met, as well as managers and executives of European firms interested in knowing all the details of the next call of the Hall, which will be held next year from January 28 to February 1, 2019 at the facilities of Feria Valencia. The event counted with the collaboration, among others, of the Economic and Commercial Office in Milan and the Embassy of Spain in Italy.

At the event, the guests were able to speak with the heads of Espacio Cocina-SICI, with its president Juan Luis Salvador at the front, accompanied, among others, by the show’s director, Miguel Bixquert, or the managing director of the Spanish’s association of the sector, AMC (Association of Kitchen Furniture, co-organizer of the fair), Sebastián Acedo. Attendees also received a comprehensive report on the latest trends in design and consumption of kitchen furniture in Spain, prepared by the specialized agency Cohn & Wolfe as well as the Global Kitchen report: domestic cooking in the era of globalization, a publication prepared by the Silestone Institute and Cosentino, that includes the main trends, both design and use, that the kitchen will have in the future.

More internationalization

With these actions, the Show of Furniture, Equipment and Technology for the Kitchen, organized jointly by Feria Valencia and AMC, has decided to open its window to the main European companies in the sector and grow in foreign buyers, increasingly interested in knowing the latest news about the kitchens Made in Spain.

In this sense, as the president of the show, Juan Luis Salvador, pointed out, in the last edition 15.2% of the visitors themselves were foreigners, specifically from 48 countries, of which, 20% came from Portugal, followed in order of importance by France, Italy, Algeria and Germany. With these bases, the show will seek to increase the presence of visitors and buyers of those interesting markets for our exhibitors. Espacio Cocina-SICI should be one of the main platforms of internationalization of our sector, in addition to enhancing the fair as the showcase for excellence in our country of our entire industry, explained Salvador.

In its latest edition, Espacio Cocina-SICI registered the visit of 7,456 professionals, which was twice as many as those registered specifically for Espacio Cocina-SICI in the first edition and 34% of the total estimated visits to the fair, taking into account account the traffic that there was from Cevisama. In addition, in the showcase of its latest edition, Espacio Cocina-SICI welcomed the offer of 41 foreign firms from Germany, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States.

The show returns to share stage with Cevisama with the aim of continuing to enhance the synergies between the kitchen, bathroom and ceramic sectors and the visitor profile of installer, prescriber, interior designer and decorator.

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