Elica consolidates its presence in China

28 enero, 2015

Elica starts 2015 the same way it ended 2014: by pursuing internationalisation and strengthening its brand in China.

In December, President Francesco Casoli travelled to Shengzhou to visit the headquarters and plants of Zhejiang Putian Electric Co. Ltd, the company that owns the Puti brand. Elica holds a majority shareholding in the company and, through it, has been commercialising kitchen hoods, gas hobs and cutlery sterilisers for the local market since 2010.

Elica consolidates its presence in China

The company@¬#s plans for the near future include strengthening the Elica brand, together with Puti, by creating a product range specifically for the Asian market – thus tailored to the local cuisine – designed and engineered by a joint Sino-Italian team. To this aim, a series of measures will be adopted in the opening months of 2015 to adapt production in the Shengzhou plant. They will include the complete automation of the polishing systems, warehouse rationalisation according to the FIFO (First In, First Out) method, computerisation of assembly lines and adjustment of the packaging and control functions.

* For further information: www.elica.com