
Dekton sponsors the Spanish collection Back to Basics for Virtual Design Destination by Adorno

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Dekton patrocina la exposición Back to Basics para Virtual Design Destination by Adorno
Dekton patrocina la exposición Back to Basics para Virtual Design Destination by Adorno

17.09.2020 Dekton by Cosentino sponsors the virtual display of the Spanish collection Back to Basics, curated by the writer and journalist Ana Domínguez Siemens for the Virtual Design Destination event presented by Adorno. The works created from different materials by Spanish designers. Inés Sistiaga, Lucas Muñoz, ACdO, Júlia Esqué, Martí Guixé, Studio La Cube, Tornasol Studio, Inma Bermúdez, Studio todo_to_do, Belén Moneo and Mayice Studio make up this collection that we will be able to view virtually at the Museo de Arte Romano in Mérida on 20th September.

Back to Basics arises from the experience of lockdown over the last few months. We have been forced to pause, reflect and discover the endless possibilities that simple and basic things can provide, according to the exhibition curator, Ana Domínguez Siemens. In general, there are exhibits that reuse existing features or introduce innovation within a traditional technique. This is a good way to experience design in a moment of reflection, taking our time and observing what concerns us, what we have to hand… Without grand gestures.

Why the Museo de Arte Romano in Mérida?, Domínguez Siemens answers, I thought it was a magnificent building that fitted well with my idea of working with traditional materials such as brick and using it so wisely. Somehow it seemed to me an example of the back to basics mentality. It is clearly a return to the simple and most important things.

Virtual Design Destination

Back to Basics is part of the Virtual Design Destination, an event organised by the online gallery Adorno. This year, it has a virtual tour of fourteen design exhibitions from fourteen different countries during the London Design Festival (12th-20th September). The fourteen curators were asked to reflect on their experiences, thoughts and specific issues about the lockdown under the theme The New Reality. And then capture it in their national collections. The goal is for design to become a tool for change and to bring results and innovative solutions to the new reality. Each display features the latest virtual reality technology to create interactive environments. Including the possibility of seeing what more than 100 exhibits would look like in your home.

Dekton by Cosentino is one of the sponsors of the Spanish collection Back to Basics, together with Museo Nacional de Arte Romano and Acción Cultural España. The pieces in the collection will be presented on structures developed and designed with the innovative Dekton product by Cosentino. According to Ana Domínguez, The support of companies like Cosentino, which are the most visible face of Spanish know-how in the world, is vital. These small-scale initiatives would not be the same without this type of support which enhances their visibility and credibility.

A complete calendar of the Virtual Design Destination 2020 exhibitions can be found on the website Spain and Back to Basics as the main protagonists on 20th September at 3 pm.

*For further information:

Cocina Integral

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