As part of the 1st edition of the creativity programme Imagine IoT, the company Cosentino wants to create the kitchen worktop of the year 2030.
To imagine, design and develop the project, a work group has been set up with seven dreamers who will identify the problems of the challenge and suggest global solutions until a definitive design has been reached. This work group is formed of three members from Cosentino, Isabel Martínez-Cosentino Ramos, Director and Member of the Innovation Commission; Valentín Tijeras García, Vice President for Products and Innovation; and Lorena González Teruel, Product Manager; and four students and graduate of the participating schools and universities: Víctor Betriu from ELISAVA, Chetan KC from UPC-FIB, David Riudor from UPC-Telecos and Sindy Petoia from EADA. These dreamers are facing a true social and business challenge, which will have a major world impact.
The Imagine IoT project is developed via the consortium between Imagine, EADA Business School, ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering, Escola Técnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (ETSETB) and the Facultat d’Informática de Barcelona (FIB) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
According to Valentín Tijeras, Vice President for Products and Innovation at Cosentino, with this initiative, we are seeking to imagine and create alongside promising young people from the world of business, design and technology, a solution offering value and inspiration in people@¬#s lives. Thanks to this collaboration with Imagine IoT, Cosentino Group is once again at the leading edge of innovation and development in the world of surfaces intended for architecture and design.
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