
Cosentino Group opens in Israel with a new Center in Tel Aviv

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Cosentino Group has set up in Israel with the opening of a new Center in the city of Tel Aviv.

This Center which will centralise the service for and distribution of its products for the whole country. By setting up logistics centres and offering comprehensive service via what are called Cosentino Centers as part of its geographical diversification strategy, the multinational has established itself with its own assets in a growing market, and this company, highly specialised in the stone industry, expects great growth potential.

Cosentino llega a Israel

The investment made by the Spanish multinational for this first phase that has been set up has reached 2 million Euros, destined mainly for the facility in the Petah Tikva district (Tel Aviv). The Center has a total floor area of ​​1,800m2 for warehousing and offices, of which 250m2 are devoted to the showroom and exhibition of products and design solutions. The facility can store up to 2,500 stabs.

Cosentino’s operation in this new market is headed by Itay Shimony, Area Manager for Cosentino Israel, and will, for the time being, lead an initial team of eight people who will be responsible for meeting the needs of the Israeli market. The team encompassed the permanent commitment to quality and personalised service that Cosentino always offers.

The inauguration of the Center was attended by Fernando Carderera, Spanish Ambassador to Israel, as well as the Embassy’s Trade Office Delegate, ​​Emilio López Viñuela. The multinational was represented at the event by Eduardo Alfonso Martínez-Cosentino, Global Sales Director of Cosentino Group; Ginés Navarro, Sales Director for the Asia Pacific region and for Direct Sales; and Santiago Alfonso, Director of Marketing and Communications.

According to Eduardo Martínez-Cosentino Alfonso, following Turkey last year, Israel represents a new qualitative leap in the region of the Middle East for our expansion strategy based on establishing ourselves with our own assets.  Moreover, our presence in Israel is particularly significant for us as it was one of the first markets where we distributed Silestone outside Spain in the beginning, thanks largely to the support of the Shimony family.

We are convinced that our ability to offer service, prestige, experience and be close to customers will be key today for us to grow in a very competitive market in the stone industry and, more specifically, in the case of quartz surfaces, concluded the Group’s Global Sales Director.

In addition to the sales distribution system, one of the competitive variables of the company will be its innovative and pioneering profile, resulting in unique solutions within the stone industry with products, for instance, such as Dekton, Cosentino’s ultra-compact surface. This brand, and as is happening in other markets since its launch in 2013, will be a key asset for growth in Israel thanks to its wide range of applications, the great possibilities it offers for design projects and its outstanding physical properties.

Today, Cosentino Group has over 90 Centers worldwide and distributes its products in more than 80 countries, with operations based on its own assets in 26 of them, including the Israeli market. Over 90% of its consolidated turnover is generated by its international markets.

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