Five Spanish companies of the wood and furniture have taken part in direct trade mission to Brazil of CONFEMADERA and they have expressed their satisfaction with the possibilities of this country.
The Spanish Confederation of Wood (CONFEMADERA) has organized under the Plan for Export of Wood Products 2012 a direct trade mission to Brazil from 9 to 13 July, supported by the Spanish Institute Foreign Trade (ICEX) and the Commercial Office of Sao Paulo.

Have taken part in five Spanish companies of the wood and furniture that have expressed their satisfaction with the opportunities of this country, moving to the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte.
Brazil is a country with a significant market share, reaching a share of world GDP of 2% and 40% if put in relation with Latin America. This territory has grown from a primarily agricultural country to develop a strong and highly competitive industry with a strong presence in the global economy.
The Brazilian market is increasingly importing more wood for both domestic consumption and for export of finished products, mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining licenses allowing the use of domestic wood.
The results of the mission has been positive and participants were satisfied with the development of it in order to consolidate its presence in international markets.
Within the Plan for Export of Wood Products 2012 is providing for two direct trade missions to Turkey from 22 to 26 October and Qatar from 5 to 9 November.
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