
The Biesse Innovation Lab is born

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Biesse Innovation Lab
Biesse Innovation Lab

28.08.2020 Biesse Group has announced the launch of the Biesse Innovation Lab. It is a major new project in Research & Development and Innovation.

AdlerInlight Technology Observatory and Manifaktura

This field is set to serve as an accelerator for new ideas and start-ups of the highest quality. A stimulating and dynamic environment in which to cultivate links with the world of academia, universities and research centres. And with other accelerators, venture capital firms and companies, with a view to further enhancing the Group’s innovation ecosystem.

The Biesse Innovation Lab was created in accordance with a number of objectives based upon high-level innovation. With the intention to seek solutions not only within the organisation but also outside of it, through interaction with its points of reference in Israel and Italy. Indeed, the Biesse Innovation Lab boasts a dual identity. In Israel, it will be developed in collaboration with the AdlerInlight Technology Observatory, an organisation created in order to bring together industry and innovation on the Italian territory. And in Italy, the Lab will be developed with the support of Manifaktura, a company with expertise in the implementation of open innovation initiatives and with experience in managing innovative projects in the manufacturing sector.

Digital transformation

To open our company boundaries in order to broaden the horizons of our minds. This is the two-way principle according to which Biesse Group seeks to lead the Biesse Innovation Lab. The process of digital transformation we are currently experiencing involves change at all levels. And it is only by seizing every opportunity that this revolution offers that we can continue to be innovators. These are the words of Roberto Selci, CEO of Biesse Group at the event which saw the formal launch of the project. It was also attended by Agmon Porat of HamLet Israel’s LetLab, the Italian Ambassador to Israel Gianluigi Benedetti, and Jonathan Hadar, Head of the Israel Economic Mission in Italy.

When it comes to Innovation, we really have our foot on the accelerator, and this is something that has been made possible not only by our internal expertise. But also – and above all – by the fact that we are able to look outwards, allowing opportunities and solutions to flow both ways, from the outside to the inside of the company and vice versa. Our goal is to become an accelerator of innovation and research, creating a fertile, flexible environment from which all those involved can benefit, added Paolo Tarchioni, Director of Innovation of Biesse Group.

New organisation

The new organisation has been created by Biesse Group in collaboration with the other players involved in the project. It will integrate technological, business and organisational themes via a team focused on multi-functional development. It consists of staff from both inside and outside the organisation, with the participation of managers, analysts, creatives, engineers and experts in marketing and sales. At the heart of the project is a strategic approach. This project embraces interaction and the exchange and dissemination of knowledge. With an understanding of the value of fostering a synergy between different organisations and exchanging skills.

There are the comments of the two main players who will be responsible for giving shape and substance to the initiative alongside Biesse Group. Roberta Anati, CEO of AdlerInlight in Israel: Innovation is born of the encounters that take place between people. We immediately established a sense of mutual professional inspiration with Roberto Selci. And it has served to breathe life into this new model for the creation of innovation. We share a desire to create winning ecosystems and to bring positivity and added value to Italy.

At the end of the meeting, Francesco Balducci, CEO of Manifaktura, added: We are very proud to contribute to the creation of the Biesse Innovation Lab. In the certainty that the skills that generate innovation are part of a collective action that takes place through a network of actors, connections and relationships, locally and globally. Biesse Group and its partners are thus able to face the challenges related to Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy, finding agile solutions. But at the same time relevant, innovative and sustainable.

*For further information:

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