Aran Cucine presents the kitchen Watch It

16 mayo, 2012

Designed by Riccardo Vincenzetti, Watch it keeps the secret of its formal and constituent essence in its own name: the key to the reading of this composition is the observation of details.

It takes just one look to appreciate the refined choice of the formal solutions we adopted: the door, in plywood 16 mms. thick, besides playing with the proposals of surface finishes that goes from the striped solution to the plain one, from the milling up to the dotted surface, leaves, as a last surprise at the door opening, the radial edge with the plywood in full view.

The choice of constituent materials is sophisticated and draws on an extremely familiar background; just think on the ceramics which seem as though they were made especially for this composition to make up the sink, cooktop and many lovely pots conceived for the growth of your own garden in the house. It is a composition, the Watch It which seems not to take itself seriously, leaving room to those who live it, to experience and to move in a free way which reminds a lab, with the discovery spirit of a child.

WATCH IT introduced at Eurocucina a new lifestyle to spread, graced with basil, parsley, pennyroyal seeding. Simple and very forceful. Outfitting a vegetable garden in the kitchen means a lot of things, all precious and useful, and produces a circuit, in terms of wellness, individual and communal, improving the look of the kitchen and the house, getting closer to nature, to its cycles, its mysteries and even its astonishments; it gratifies the domestic work with natural products, homemade.

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