08.06.2020 Leader in the technologies of wood processing since 1952, SCM has chosen to present its latest technologies to all the industry experts and companies using new tools and state-of-the-art multimedia channels. This is the aim of the SCM Live Show, the global event of the year, due to be held in direct live streaming from 30 June to 2 July 2020.
In an international context that sees key industry events being cancelled or postponed until the end of the year, SCM continues to offer all its support in terms of technology. And know-how to the production needs of every wood processing business. From large industries to artisans, from furniture to windows and doors to joinery.
With the SCM Live Show, the Italian Group has prepared an extensive programme of live link-ups. And webinars which will allow participants to be a part of the technological change in progress, from all over the world via web, on all three days of the event. And, above all, interact with SCM experts as in a real live TV show. Fom the Technology Center in Rimini and other Group plants, the experts will illustrate what’s new for each wood machining process as well as the most important market trends.
You will never work alone
The SCM Wood Division Manager, Luigi De Vito, explains: We are experiencing a period of dramatic changes and SCM is transforming a need, that of maintaining relations with partnering businesses, into a genuine digital strategy. Over the last few months, we have been doing this by continuing to guarantee and optimise all our maintenance activities, assistance. And training remotely with our digital tools and services. We do so with even greater conviction today, by organising a unique event at world level such as the SCM Live Show. The technological innovation which has always distinguished SCM with its increasingly performing, flexible and evolved solutions. They will combine with a communicative and multimedia innovation, ready to mark a new page in the history of wood processing.
The numerous technological events will take centre stage during the event. Stand alone cells and machines integrated with one another, dedicated to different application environments, will be capable of meeting the most varied production needs of secondary wood processing. From upgrades for the wide range of machining centres and panel drilling to those concerning machining centres for solid wood and timber construction. From proposals for flexible and j-shape industrial edgebanding, to angular sizing. And from integrated surface treatment, with the latest in the ranges for pressing, sanding and finishing, to state-of-the-art solutions for packaging. Or from specific technologies for windows and doors and integrated lines for doors, to models for squaring-tenoning and profiling. As ever, with a focus on the most wide ranging, sought-after collection of joinery machines. With a new cell dedicated to sizing, drilling and edgebanding and the exclusive launch of a new app for artisan workers.
The latest technologies
The Smart&Human Factory will be playing a key role for the furniture industry. Successfully launched at Ligna 2019, it will be re-presented during the SCM live show with new advantages aimed at further increasing the productivity and flexibility of panel machining processes. It is important to reduce refuse and waste, and optimise the quality of the end product even on more delicate materials.
The new version will be a mere example of the various configurations which this production model can take on based on the customer’s production requirements. It is made up of flexible, modular automated cells integrated by anthropomorphic robots and interconnected by intelligent AMR unmanned shuttles.
Sizing/nesting cell
The morbidelli x200 nesting machining centre, designed for batch 1 flexible production will be directly integrated into the high performing flexstore hp automatic warehouse for shaped panels. This allows the stored and labelled panel to be directly loaded onto the worktable which protects those panels with a delicate surface. Once the nesting function has been completed, an anthropomorphic robot directly unloads the cut panels from the worktable, to then position the different cut parts on the AMR shuttles that head off towards the different cells.
Another new aspect concerns the management of smaller pieces and waste. The robot also picks these up, making them available for future made-to-order productions with a considerable optimisation of the materials used.
The cell is also designed so that all the panels with no problems of delicate surfaces can be manually unloaded from the belt. In parallel with the nesting which, by cutting into single sheets, offers excellent flexibility, is the pack cut done with a blade that guarantees high productivity on repetitive logical cuts. This function will be done by the new gabbiani p80 sizing machine, distinguished by the Saw-set device for a more rapid, exact setting of the tools and the new advantages including the 60 and 80 mm blade projections. An additional extractor outlet on the presser and the automatic blade release with a switch.
Flexible edgebanding cell
The new batch 1 stefani cell E is configured with an anthropomorphic robot for a complete automatic management of the panel loading/unloading operations. The solution combines the advantages of a customised production and large volumes with a compact overall design. And, above all, with an accessible investment even for SMEs. Parameters like colour, edge thickness, the position and depth of the mortise, the management of the protective film and panel sizes can be continually changed without interrupting the production flow. With the new pickback bridge system for the automatic return of panels, the panel is automatically rotated to speed up the next in-feed. It will also be possible to unload at the end of the cycle in masked time with the next loop load.
Packing cell
This cell is the ideal solution for furniture kit manufacturers and will include two machines, presented by SCM in a world preview. We are talking about the cut c 200, an automatic punching machine for just in time cutting and production of an open cardboard box. With the required sizes and shape, and the pack c 100, automatic solution for packaging with hot melt glue, starting with the pre-punched sheet of cardboard. All the operator will have to do is position the product for packaging on the open box (in this case the panels coming from the edgebanding cell) after which, the upper lid will automatically be closed by the pack c 100. Thanks to the automatic measurement change setting, packagings can be created with different size boxes, positioned in sequence on the roller.
Integrated Surface Treatment
SCM will show its unique industry strength as an exclusive all-round partner in providing technologies for sanding, pressing and painting for businesses looking to achieve exclusive, quality finishings. Certain examples of integrated process will be illustrated during the virtual event, including:
Flexible painting cell for the veneered panel with structured effects and painted MDF panel
It will be possible to appreciate the versatility of the finishing effects achieved with the dmc eurosystem sanding machine, with two new additions. A completely new planetary unit, ideal for structuring, chamfering, sanding the cross grain and precision finishing of any surface. And the interchangeable brushes unit, ideal for those in search of maximum production flexibility. The integration with the Superfici mini sprayer is essential. It is ideal for the sprayer’s automation even in small businesses. And it allow for the easy management of small production batches with regular product changes.
Painting panels with the latest 3D effects and super opaque finishings
The integration of highly innovative solutions like the dmc system sanding machines, that transform the concept of the sanding machine in a flexible abrasive modular centre. And the Superfici valtorta f1 roller painting and magnum spray systems will allow for those more appealing finishings requested by the market nowadays. Like the super opaque ones, to be achieved.
3D lamination for laminated panels with 3D patterns and laminated routed doors
In this case, the process will involve sanding, with the innovative units for gouging and brushing in the dmc system range, state-of-the-art Superfici systems for applying glue. In other words, the efficient Cartesian robots with the ability to 3D scan pieces for selective spraying of the edges and routings. The process concludes with the sergiani 3d form hp press, a solution with high productivity levels and flexibility thanks to the Flexy Pin system. And the configuration of the press up to three trays, that compact the cycle time into pressing time only. High definition of the end product even with the most complex 3d surfaces.
Digital Software And Services
At the forefront of the SCM Live Show is also the Digital Integrated Woodworking Process, which will demonstrate how the software and digital services can support the customer at each stage of the process in creating the piece of furniture. From planning and preparing the data to machine production, right up to production monitoring, maintenance and after-sales service.
For the data preparation stage in the machinery, the new programming software versions will be presented for the Maestro cnc machining centres and Maestro ottimo CUT cutting optimisation. In response to production planning needs, SCM will present a manufacturing execution system (MES). It is a solution integrated into the SCM machines to assist customers with programming and managing the production flow.
The new HMI multi-touch Maestro active will demonstrate how control and even simpler, better interaction with the machine can be achieved at the production stage. Lastly, in support of the production monitoring stages, machine maintenance and after-sales service, the new Digital Services enabled by the Maestro connect platform will be presented.
More detailed updates and information on the event programme and the registration process can be found on this website.
*For further information: www.scmgroup.com/es