FIMMA-Maderalia, the spanish trade fair about materials and technology for wood industry, furniture, carpentry and decoration, will return next 10 to 13 March 2020, after being held in February this year its last edition.
18.10.2018 The change of dates of FIMMA-Maderalia has been a consensus decision that is taken after a sector-wide survey conducted with both exhibitors and sectoral representatives. The fair, therefore, will keep its biennial character in even years, that began three editions ago and is giving such good results. For this reason, FIMMA-Maderalia is positioned as the reference appointment in Europe in even years and is intercalated in the exhibition schedule with the German appointments Interzum and Ligna, which they are held in odd years.

Futhermore, expectations and good growth forecasts for the next edition has prompted FIMMA-Maderalia chooses held solo after two successful editions with Cevisama. Therefore, the dates that will be chosen are Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 March, in the new halls of Feria Valencia.
This new location respond satisfactorily to the needs of its exhibitors space and offers the possibility of incorporating more companies and brands without limiting the capacity and volume of the stands. Futhermore, also improves comfort, access and services that are offered to visitors.
In its last edition, held in February 2018, FIMMA-Maderalia welcomed 466 direct exhibitors and 783 firms and brands represented, on an exhibition area of 61.000 m2. The appointment received 32.945 professional visitors, a 23,4% more than in the previous edition. De ellos, 3.037 were foreigners, which is a 19% more than in the last event, and from 42 countries.
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