
Vauth-Sagel opens showrooms in Hong Kong and Moscow

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Vauth-Sagel is one of the internationally leading companies when it comes to innovative storage systems for the kitchen and furniture industry.

Vauth-Sagel opens showrooms in Hong Kong and Moscow

In order to also increase its international market share, the company is opening showrooms in key target markets. It has made a start with showrooms in Hong Kong and Moscow that will be future forums for the dialogue with customers, architects, designers and journalists.

Established more than 50 years ago, the owner-managed family run company now collaborates with almost all of the major German kitchen manufacturers such as SieMatic, Häcker Küchen, Nobilia and Nolte Küchen. Vauth-Sagel is also an extremely export-oriented company. Over the past few decades, it has become an innovative development partner for leading companies all over the world. Vauth-Sagel plans to successively open new showrooms in key core markets in order to intensify its close cooperation with the customers in the respective markets.

For the Asia-Pacific region, the company has chosen Hong Kong as the location for its showroom. It can be found near Victoria Harbour (Suite 3212, 32/F in the The Gateway Tower I, 25 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, HK); Vauth-Sagel@¬#s latest product innovations have been on show here since October. The company@¬#s own showroom in the important Russian market is centrally located in the capital, Moscow, at Leninskaya Sloboda, 26, Business Center Omega-2, Bldg. 2, Office No.228. Both of these showrooms focus on the dialogue with visitors and are therefore unique in their markets. The grand openings, attended by numerous industry customers, designers, journalists and also institutions, took place in Hong Kong in mid-October and in Moscow at the end of November.

With our new showrooms in Hong Kong and Moscow, we will continue to expand our international presence. In keeping with the company credo Think global – act local, we intend to be represented in key markets with our own teams and showrooms in order to liaise even more directly and intensively with our customers. For us, the showrooms are the first step towards gradually increasing the awareness of our brand in these very important regions
, says the company@¬#s managing director Claus Sagel.

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