
More space with Del Tongo Loft System

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Del Tongo has made kitchens since 1954, looking after all the details and with a rigorous approach on the spaces project.

Loft Sy­stem is a com­ple­te kit­chen ca­bi­net sy­stem wi­th a dep­th of 60 cm, of the ba­ses, whi­ch ma­kes the kit­chen mu­ch mo­re spa­cious and al­low one to or­ga­ni­ze things wi­thin that are not are ni­ce to see ou­tsi­de, for exam­ple sto­wing bul­ky po­ts, lar­ge ser­ving pla­tes, de­vi­ces and other use­ful lar­ge ob­jec­ts that aren’t used eve­ry day. Its se­cret is the su­pe­rior dep­th com­pa­red to stan­dard kit­chen ca­bi­ne­ts, and being po­si­tio­ned hi­gher in com­pa­ri­son, thus it is not an ob­sta­cle to head height. The Loft Sy­stem kit­chen ca­bi­ne­ts can be po­si­tio­ned ei­ther abo­ve the stan­dard ca­bi­ne­ts, or in pla­ce of them, be­cau­se the­re we­re thought up to mul­ti­ply spa­ce not con­si­de­ring the sty­le of the kitchen. ​Loft Sy­stem sa­ti­sfies two needs si­mul­ta­neou­sly: one func­tio­nal, be­cau­se it in­crea­ses the sto­wa­ge ca­pa­ci­ty and al­lo­ws you to ta­ke the be­st ad­van­ta­ge of eve­ry sin­gle spa­ce; and one de­co­ra­ti­ve, be­cau­se it pro­po­ses new ae­sthe­tic so­lu­tions that gi­ve a new cha­rac­ter to the kit­chen.

Más espacio con el Sistema Loft, de Del Tongo

A mo­re beau­ti­ful kit­chen. The Loft Sy­stem ca­bi­net sy­stem can gi­ve height and ma­je­sty to the kit­chen and it is ideal to ta­ke ad­van­ta­ge of the height of hou­ses wi­th tall cei­lings or to avoid the clas­sic com­po­si­tion wi­th stan­dard kit­chen ca­bi­ne­ts, gi­ving the kit­chen a mo­re con­tem­po­ra­ry aspect wi­thout gi­ving up ne­ces­sa­ry stow spa­ce. Wi­th Loft Sy­stem one can al­so in­dul­ge one­self wi­th fan­ta­sy, lea­ving spa­ce bet­ween the coun­ter top and the ca­bi­ne­ts for glass walls, win­do­ws, or even sim­ply back wall, co­lo­red, re­sin or mar­ble ti­les and shel­ves.

A mo­re func­tio­nal kit­chen. Loft Sy­stem al­lo­ws one to ta­ke ad­van­ta­ge of all the spa­ces of their en­vi­ron­ment, crea­ting a true “se­cond le­vel” of the kit­chen, use­ful to put away spa­res, bot­tles, pla­tes and small hou­se­hold elec­tric ap­plian­ces that are ra­re­ly used. It’s li­ke ha­ving a small sto­re­hou­se in the ho­me, in ca­se they aren’t clo­se­ts or suf­fi­cient spa­ce. Wi­th Loft Sy­stem you sa­ve bo­th on di­men­sions and on the la­ter pur­cha­se of kit­chen fur­ni­tu­re or carts, whi­ch are a hin­de­ran­ce to the mo­ve­ment of tho­se who cook and di­sturb the ove­rall ae­sthe­tic of the en­vi­ron­ment. In fact you can ha­ve the con­tai­ning ca­pa­ci­ty of a 4.65m kit­chen in on­ly 3.60 me­ters.

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