Mr Patrizio Antonicoli has been appointed Secretary General of CEI-Bois and take up this function on Monday, 11 May 2015.
Patrizio Antonicoli is an experienced and respected Public Affairs Management Director in Brussels who started his career within the Business Development Unit of a leading IT company before joining the Woodworking sector, backing for many years the interests of several national and European organisations (Federlegno, Confemadera-Federmueble, SIEL, amongstothers).

His knowledge and lobbying competencies will be key success factors in leading the Confederation, shaping its one voice messages and defending the interests of the Woodworking Industry.
Marc Michielsen furthermore confirms that he will be candidate for re-election to ensure continuity together with the current strong holders of the CEI-Bois Board of Directors, a committed team of Industry and Federation leaders wanting to see the European umbrella organisation CEI-Bois flourish and preparing the Confederation for the future challenges of the Woodworking Industry.
* For further information: