
ANIEME travels with seven furniture companies to Colombia and Panama

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ANIEME has organized a trade mission to Colombia and Panama in which seven Spanish furniture companies are involved.

ANIEME viaja con siete empresas del mueble a Colombia y Panamá
Para ello, ha contado con la colaboración de la Oficina Comercial de España en Panamá, organismo encargado de coordinar las agendas de entrevistas con las empresas panameñas. Las agendas de reuniones en Colombia se han preparado por personal técnico de ANIEME, en base a contactos previamente visitados por la Asociación durante viajes previos de prospección al mercado colombiano.

 Companies that travel to Colombia and Panama, accompanied by technical staff of ANIEME are: Montero, Dina Tapizados, Trasman, Gamamobel, Mobil Fresno, Muebles Azor and Ob Cocinas.

This action, which begin today, Thursday, May 7 and will run until Wednesday 13, aims to promote business contacts with importers and specifiers which aim at consolidating the presence of Spanish furniture in Colombia and Panama, both at the retail level and  the contract for furnishing facilities.

Economic development
In both cases, these are countries that are going through an important phase of economic, tourism and urban development, which is embodied in numerous projects of facilities of various types, especially offices, hotels and restaurants, which makes imports of furniture go on increase. ANIEME therefore considers that this is an area of ​​interest to the Spain market

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