
Cosentino Group with Daniel Libeskind at the Venice Architecture Biennale

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Cosentino Group will be present for the first time ever at the Venice Architecture Biennale as a technical sponsor of the Venice Pavilion, represented by the architect Daniel Libeskind.

The Daniel Liebeskind@¬#s sculpture made ​​with Dekton is set now in Cosentino headquarters

Daniel Libeskind has selected the ultra-compact surface Dekton by Cosentino for his outdoors sculpture that forms part of Sonnets in Babylon, presented by the renowned architect for the Venice Pavilion.

As visitors approach the Pavilion, situated in the Giardini della Biennale di Venezia, they will first encounter a 5.5 meter high sculpture of a skewed axis form finished in the ultracompact surfacing material Dekton by Cosentino. The geometry of the form relates to the development of the axis as a fundamental to architectural drawing. Libeskind has explored this technical mark in all his major drawing works beginning with Micromegas continuing with Chamberworks, and now in Sonnets in Babylon. This sculptural “X” will serve as a starting point —a virtual beginning of a line that runs through the Sonnets and anchors their exploding and collapsing worlds.

The finish of this spectacular sculptural “X” in Dekton by Cosentino has been designed as a ventilated façade that shrouds the entire work, using Rediwa CAT 1 system from Wandegar company. 65 m2 of paneling and 15 m2 of flooring in more than 50 pieces of various sizes, the largest 2.55 m x 1.40 m, of the ultra-compact surface with a thickness of 12 mm. Paneling and flooring are presented in the same colour, Keranium, which has an industrial aesthetic.

Francisco Martinez-Cosentino, President of Cosentino Group highlighted: It is a great honour for Cosentino Group to be present at the Venice Architecture Biennale as sponsors of the Venice Pavilion. The spectacular sculpture created by Daniel Libeskind with Dekton surface is a fantastic example of our ongoing commitment to architecture at the highest level.

Daniel Liebeskind y Fracisco Martínez-Cosentino

In addition, the global company is present at the Architecture Biennale not only with the architect Daniel Libeskind at the Venice Pavilion, but also in the heart of the city with an exhibition at the Palazzo Bembo, a fifteenth century palace facing the Grand Canal.

In collaboration with the studio Opta Architects, Cosentino is present at the Palazzo Bembo in the ThreTimesThree project on display in the Palazzo with pieces of various sizes of 8mm thick Dekton in Kadum colour, transmitting the innovative nature of both the project and the Architecture Biennale. The process of architectural research seems to materialize in an innovative surface that is exposed to the view and touch of visitors.

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