The 9th European Wood Based Panel Symposium, organised by the European Panel Federation and Fraunhofer WKI, takes place October 8-10, 2014 at the Maritim Airport Hotel, Hannover (Germany).

This symposium traditionally brings together leaders in technology development and transfer, manufacturers of equipment and products, and the panel industry. It is its intention to provide a platform where competitors become partners in finding solutions that are of a common interest to all the sector.
Programme and location
The Symposium will include about 20 key-note papers and technical presentations. Traditionally, a social programme provides a forum for exchange of ideas and know-how in a pleasant atmosphere. The oral presentations will be translated simultaneously into English, French and German. The Maritim Airport Hotel is located directly at the Hanover Airport. The subway station, connecting the airport with the Hanover railway station, is just 50 meters away.
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