
CONFEMADERA explores business opportunities in Algeria

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CONFEMADERA Habitat organized a trade mission to Algeria, the fourth destination of Spanish exports of wood products.

Confemadera Hábitat en ArgeliaThe Spanish Confederation of Business Timber (CONFEMADERA Habitat) organized, from 25 to 28 February, a direct trade mission to Algeria with the support of the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) and Commercial Office of Algiers.

In this mission were included five Spanish companies of the wood and furniture, which were satisfied with the opportunities offered by this market for Spanish wood products and furniture.

In the Algerian government@¬#s plans for the coming years, there are significant budget allocations for infrastructure: construction of two million homes, schools, hospitals, theaters, etc..

Algeria has established itself as the fourth destination of Spanish exports of wood products, after the European Union, Morocco and the United States. The strength of Algerian economy, the strength of its government and its progressive vision, with heavy investment in infrastructure, further increase its attractiveness as a business destination.

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