Frecan exhibited at LivingKitchen its newest ceiling, built in and wall hoods.
The fair took place from the 15th o the 20th of January, and has established itself as a European reference in the kitchen industry and its the second time a window to the world for Frecan, a firm based in Barcelona – Spain.

Frecan enhancing the trend and market interest in the elimination of architectural barriers, as might be an island hood, has generated great interest featuring five models of its wide ceiling hoods range – The Cloud Surface. Frecan ceiling hoods with automatic door opening systems, as well as the Paradigma system have been the ones that have generated greatest interest among the LivingKitchen public.
Frecan keeps driving and investing in its internationalization strategy, being this 2013 LivingKitchen edition the 3rd international exhibition in which has been present. Frecan international sales team feels highly satisfi ed with the results; the fair has offered numerous contacts worldwide and new potential distributors and has also led to the consolidation of its international relations with existing customers. Among the models presented in LivingKitchen Frecan surprised the public with especially Coanda models, the Paradigma system, the ceiling hood Flap and the wall model Satélite.
Coanda and Paradigma
The Coanda Hood developed by Frecan in collaboration with the European Institute of Design has a unique aerodynamic design that gets leverage to the two most important effects commonly used in the aviation industry; those are the venturi effect and the Coanda effect. Coanda hood due to its annular opening enables an air fl ow which is 10 times greater than that one generated by the engine itself.
Coanda brings together those two effects to create air currents which easily and powerfully draw the fumes inside the hood. Then the fumes are fi ltered by an activated carbon system that recycles and cleans the fumes and allows to expulse them back and clean to the kitchen room. Coanda has also been provided with a fats and oils container that allows the user to easily clean the hood, recicle oils so it has been though for the most exigent environmentally friendly users.
The Paradigma System of Frecan the first modular suction system designed to go unnoticed in the kitchen ceiling with its aesthetic similar to to ceiling light. Paradigma creates an atmosphere of light in the kitchen with both suction and lighting spots with the same design and appearance.
Each aspiration module (Control and subordinates) is equipped with its own S600n, a motor with a reduced size and great power (600m3/h). Its powerful motor together with a design based on perimeter aspiration and the socalled Venturi effect allows each module to generate air currents which help to attract the smoke to each of the aspiration spots; even if the modules are installed at a certain distance from one another, Paradigma Modular system will ensure the right aspiration. You can install up to 4 sucction modules, generating a total capacity of 2400 m3/h. The aspiration modules are equipped with automatic stop (Last time), 4-speed and remote control.
Regarding the lighting qualities of the Paradigma system, each module (either aspirating or lighting modules), is provided with four energy-saving lamps 9W. Ensuring optimum lighting while being environmentally friendly.
Cloud Surface Range
Flap Ceiling Hood will be very soon introduced in Frecan’s Cloud Surface Range. The model has been designed for those kitchens with strong air currents due to open windows or doors or for large kitchen rooms. Flap ceiling hood has been provided with an automatic door opening very usefull for cleaning purposes but most important, the open doors create a physical barrier that helps to channel the fumes and enhance the hood performance.
Flap has also been defi ned to work with doors closed due to its perimeter extraction system and is equipped with 2 motors EBM 860 with a total capacity of 1720 m3 with a loudness of 39 dBA. The Satelite Hood combines the effectiveness of a “T” shape wall hood with an a innovative design. Satelite design is formed by three stainless steel cubes at different levels. This new model from Frecan breaks the traditional aesthetics of the most common hoods of its range providing a design touch in kitchen.
Hood Features: Led Lights, deferred stop, filter saturation alarm, timer, thermometer and stainless steel filters Frecan complete this model.
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