
New partnership agreement between CNA and Can Roca

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CNA Group has recently signed a contract renewal of collaboration for two years with the brothers Roca of El Celler de Can Roca, Barcelona. The brand works with the chefs in a kitchen range.

CNA Group, with its brands Cata and Nodor, has recently renewed the partnership agreement for a period of two years with the Roca brothers from Celler de Can Roca benchmark restaurant in the sector of the international cuisine, designated as the second best restaurant in the world by the prestigious Restaurant Magazine.

Los hermanos Roca con CNA Group

Can Roca has to his credit with three Michelin stars, the last one issued in October 2009, as well as numerous awards, including three Repsol Guide suns, 19/29 of @¬#5 to Taula@¬# (La Vanguardia newspaper section), 9.5 of Gourmetour; 9.75/10 of guide The Best of Gastronomy and Gourmand guide.

Under this agreement shall be conducted multiple joint actions which will bring together the vast experience and high technology that characterize Cata with culinary excellence and great appreciation of the Celler.

CNA Group is proud to partner with the Roca brothers and establish a thriving and successful relationship that will certainly enrich each other@¬#s knowledge about the processes and tools for cooking, and so on the road to excellence in the manufacture of appliances cooking

CNA Group has benefited from the collaboration of the Roca brothers in developing @¬#Cata & Can Roca@¬#, a remarkable set of products that aim to provide the highest excellence for those who understand the kitchen as a unique experience.

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