
German citizens spent 373 euros on furniture last year

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A recently published analysis by the Association of the German Furniture Industry VDM, indicates how much potential the German market holds and what opportunities that potential represents for the German furniture sector and the international furniture industry.

In 2011, German citizens spent an average of 373 euros on furniture -14 euros more than in 2009. Dirk-Uwe Klaas, Chief Executive of the VDM, believes that, last year, German consumers decided it was time to make up for what they had been doing without.

In addition to the 373 euros they spent on furniture, says the VDM, Germans also invested a per capita average of approx. 150 euros in home textiles, accessories and décor. According to the Federal Association of Kitchen, Furniture and Furnishing Retailers (Bundesverband des Deutschen Möbel-, Küchen- und Einrichtungsfachhandels, BVDM), total sales in 2011 -including specialist product ranges like home textiles and accessories and VAT- amounted to approx. 30.4 billion euros.

This represents a 2.5 to 3% increase in consumer spending as compared to the previous year. And because Germans are anything but a throw-away society when it comes to furniture, high-quality brands are doing particularly well.  

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